Honey, I shrunk the Url…
For numerous reasons, I don't like bit.ly so much. Some of them being -
- They don't have a middle layer which acts as a NSFW [ stands for Get Kicked Out of Office if you open This here] warning. There's the append '+' at the end of the link hack. But seriously, who does that usually? You barely have enough time to click on links these days, save reading their contents as well.
- They've a "This page has been reported to serve malware in generous doses" middle layer, but since it's Mr.Twitter who's one of their major link sources, this has to be more 'realtime'. Depends on what realtime means, yes. But everyone's using that word nowadays, so what the heck.
- They've a twitter monopoly. You've got to hate the leader. It's a rule.
And since there's no Country Top-Level domain with .da, I'll have no competitors like va.da . Humour monopoly, FTW...
Is there a Mai Ka Laal, who can gift Mr. Veerappa with a moi.ly domain... He'd be the cool-kid on the block, instead of the peddler-like grumpy face that he flaunts usually.
You know, as genuinely awesome as the chap to the right, who's currently booked under the Limca records, for the fastest fast in India. [ No, I'm kidding. Maybe]
Obligatory Show-off Post-script section :
Whate pity. Honourable Son of the Soil can't get the prized gow.da. He'll have to settle for de.ve , I guess.
Nice one. :)